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    #204-185 Somerset St. West, Ottawa, ON

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Our Constitution guarantees the right not to be denied reasonable bail without just cause. When an accused is charged criminally and detained in police custody, our lawyers at Brass Law Office work quickly and tirelessly for your release on bail. This includes developing a bail plan, meeting sureties, compiling documentation and critically reviewing evidence. We advocate for an accused person’s release with Crown prosecutors and alternatively, conduct bail hearings. Getting bail means living in the community as you await your proceedings instead of staying in jail. Securing your freedom and liberty is the top priority at Brass Law Office. We have successful experience with bail hearings for all types of criminal offences and will work with you to argue for an accused’s release.

  • Negotiated releases
  • Bail hearings
  • Proactive defence

If you or someone you know has been charged an offence, it is important to hire an experienced bail lawyer. Contact Brass Law Office at 613-238-5757 (mobile: Alan – 613-762-2040 or Shira: 613-983-4947) or email us at info@brasslawoffice.ca for a free, no-obligation consultation.

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Would you like a free 30-minute consultation with one of our lawyers? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible. We will provide you with individualized attention and discuss methods to skilfully defend against your criminal charges.

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